Can Horses Eat Watermelon? What watermelon provides?

We’re back, horse lovers!

Our next question “can horses eat watermelon” today will help you find out another eatable fruit that your beloved horse can enjoy. However, if you stop here and feed watermelon to him instantly, you will be in trouble soon.

Can Horses Eat Watermelon

Do you know how much watermelon should you feed the horses? Should you remove seeds before giving them to them? Etc.

Although you get a big YES when allowing your horse to eat watermelon, you MUST consider some essentials things before starting.

And don’t forget to follow our upcoming posts to know which food items your horse can and cannot eat. From there, you can take care of him better and better.

Are watermelons healthy for horses?

Can Horses Eat Watermelon? Yes, watermelons are healthy for horses and they can eat them without any problems. Horses love the taste of watermelon and it is a good source of hydration, nutrients, and minerals. It is also a good way to add some variety to their diet.

Watermelon is a good source of vitamins A, B, and C, as well as potassium and magnesium. It is also low in calories and fat. However, watermelon does contain a lot of sugar so it should be given in moderation.

When feeding watermelon to your horse, make sure to remove the seeds first. You can either do this by cutting the watermelon into small pieces or using a seedless variety. You can also give them watermelon juice, but be sure to dilute it with water first.

Horses get fiber from watermelon.

Horses get a lot of their fiber from hay and other forages, but watermelon can also be a good source. Watermelon is a good way to add some bulk to the diet and help the horse feel full.

Watermelon is mostly made up of water, but it also contains some sugar.

Watermelon is about 92% water, so it is a good source of hydration for horses. It also contains sugar, so it should be given in moderation. When feeding watermelon to your horse, make sure to remove the seeds first. You can either do this by cutting the watermelon into small pieces or using a seedless variety. You can also give them watermelon juice, but be sure to dilute it with water first.

Horses need vitamin C

Horses cannot produce their own vitamin C and they need to get it from their diet. Vitamin C is found in many fruits and vegetables, including watermelons. Vitamin C is important for horses because it helps them absorb other nutrients from their food and it is a antioxidant.

Horses need fiber in their diet.

Horses get a lot of their fiber from hay and other forages, but watermelon can also be a good source. Watermelon is a good way to add some bulk to the diet and help the horse feel full.

What watermelon provides?

Watermelon boast of its sweet flavor and unique taste that can tempt not only your appetite but also the nose and palate buds of different animals. Horses are not exceptional, of course.

This delicious and refreshing fruit mainly contains water (90%). That’s why eating it is always a great treat that you can give to yourself and your horse during a hot summer day. Even, he loves to eat it cold as you do.

But, remember that this fruit only has a few nutrients. Therefore, it’s best to feed him as small treats or rewards.

Can horses eat watermelon rind and seeds?

If horses can eat watermelon, will they eat all or just the flesh like us? Indeed, it’s safe to let them eat the outer skin or rind of the watermelon.

In our opinion, you should experiment with both to determine what he prefers. Some might love the flesh only while others are happy to enjoy the grind.

How about the seeds?

We suggest you should remove the watermelon seeds before feeding him. The reason is that when the seeds are digested, they will deliver small quantities of cyanide. And this might create harmful effects on the horse’s health in the long term.

Therefore, instead of giving the whole watermelon, it’s best to prepare it. Let’s guide you on how to do at this time!

  • Firstly, cut the melon in half.
  • Then take the seeds and center out.
  • Chop it up into medium-sized pieces and then feed the horse.
  • Avoid giving him large chunks because they might cause him to choke.
  • Or if you’re tired of removing the seeds, buying seedless watermelon will be an excellent idea. All you just do is to cut it into small chunks. And your horse definitively loves it.

Can all horses eat watermelons?

No, not all horses can eat watermelons. As mentioned earlier, the seeds of watermelons contain cyanide, which is poisonous to horses. If a horse consumes too many of these seeds, they could potentially become sick or die. For this reason, it’s important to remove the seeds from watermelon before feeding it to your horse.

Dental issues.

If your horse has dental problems, you should avoid feeding them watermelon. The seeds of the watermelon can be difficult to chew and swallow, which could cause further damage to their teeth.

Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis.

If your horse has hyperkalemic periodic paralysis, this condition is caused by a build-up of potassium in the blood, and watermelon is high in potassium. Eating watermelon could potentially worsen this condition and cause health problems for your horse.

Pregnant mares.

If your mare is pregnant, the seeds of the watermelon can contain cyanide, which is poisonous to horses. Eating watermelon could potentially cause health problems for your mare and her foal.


Watermelon is high in sugar, and eating too much sugar can exacerbate this condition. Avoiding sugary foods like watermelon is important for preventing laminitis flares.

Insulin resistance .

This condition is caused by a build-up of sugar in the blood, and watermelon is high in sugar. Eating watermelon could potentially worsen this condition and cause health problems for your horse.

Should you feed more or less watermelon to horses?

On the whole, you have successfully found the reasons why horses can eat watermelon, right?

But, remember that your horse needs to enjoy this fruit in moderation. Overeating creates a high-water content and makes him ignore his normal and well-balanced diet. Then he will become nutrient deficient in the long run.

The ideal and safe amount that you should feed your horse is about one pound of watermelon and less once or twice a week. Note to give him in the warm summer weather because this refreshing fruit has the high-water content to cool him down.

Feeding your horse watermelon for the first time?

If you are feeding your horse watermelon for the first time, start with a small piece and see how he reacts. If he seems to like it and doesn’t have any adverse reactions, you can then give him a little bit more. But if he doesn’t seem to like it or has adverse reactions, such as diarrhea, you should discontinue giving it to him.

FAQs about Can Horses Eat Watermelon?

Is watermelon poisonous to horses?

No, it is not poisonous to horses. However, they should only eat a small amount of watermelon per week. Too much watermelon can cause them to become nutrient deficient.

Can I give my horse a whole watermelon?

You can give your horse a whole watermelon, but you should remove the seeds first. The seeds contain cyanide which can be harmful to horses over time.

Can I give my horse the rind of a watermelon?

Yes, you can give your horse the rind of a watermelon. He will enjoy eating the sweet and refreshing fruit. Just make sure to chop it into medium sized pieces before feeding him.

Can horses eat the green part of watermelon?

No, horses should not eat the green part of watermelon. The green part contains cyanide which can be harmful to horses over time.

How much watermelon Can a horse eat?

Horses should only eat about one pound of watermelon per week. Too much watermelon can cause them to become nutrient deficient.

What is watermelon rinds?

The watermelon rind is the outer skin of the watermelon. It is safe for horses to eat and they will enjoy the sweet and refreshing fruit. Just make sure to chop it into medium sized pieces before feeding him.

What animal eats watermelon rinds?

The watermelon rind is the outer skin of the watermelon. It is safe for horses to eat and they will enjoy the sweet and refreshing fruit. Just make sure to chop it into medium sized pieces before feeding him.

Can a horse choke on a watermelon?

A horse can choke on a watermelon if you give him too large chunks. It is best to chop the watermelon into medium-sized pieces before feeding him.

How do you feed watermelon to horses?

You can feed watermelon to horses by cutting it into small chunks. You should also remove the seeds before feeding him. The seeds contain cyanide which can be harmful to horses over time.


While watermelon is a safe fruit for horses to eat, it’s important to remember that they should only have a small amount. Like with any new food, you should introduce watermelon gradually and monitor your horse’s reaction. If he has any adverse effects after eating watermelon – such as diarrhea or an upset stomach – then you should stop feeding it to him and consult your veterinarian. So, can horses eat watermelon? Yes, but proceed with caution and always check with your vet first.

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