Can Horses Eat Tomatoes? Discover The Ultimate Truth Of It

I bet you once wondered Can horses eat tomatoes. This question has triggered people’s curiosity to find out. It is even more vital for horse lovers to know if they should feed their horses with this plant. Equines, known as obligate herbivores, are not able to find tomatoes friendly to their guts.

What makes tomatoes lethal to horses? Why should you keep your horses away from them? Let’s move on to find the answer.

Can Horses Eat Tomatoes?

What is in a tomato that is fatal to horses?

Tomatoes are of the Solanaceae plant family. It contains solanine which is a deadly part of the Nightshade family.

The poison concentrates in the greenery leafy portions of the tomato plants called atropine. This toxin slows gut mobility and presents in all parts of the plant.

Furthermore, Hyoscyamine in tomatoes disables the salivary gland to produce and decreases intestinal mobility.

Other poisoning symptoms like low heart rate, twisted muscles, colic, hemorrhagic diarrhea, and respiration difficulty are preceded by eating tomatoes.

Can horses eat tomatoes?

Knowledgeable equestrians know tomato includes too many toxic substances to horses, but not vice versa.

Tomatoes are unpalatable to horses; they would sort it out if some plants baled in the hay. But hungry horses wouldn’t mind the feed.

Horses that ate tomatoes would suffer minor colic and diarrhea if they accidentally consumed a small number of tomatoes.

As horses cannot vomit, they face a greater chance of death if found devouring enough amount of alkaloid poison.

In most cases, the examination takes place after the horse has died.

What to do if your horse ate tomatoes?

Horses can recover from alkaloid poisoning if they are caught and diagnosed in time.

It is best to take it to the vet as soon as you recognize the symptoms. Though you may not be certain about what causes the illness, some blood work and a urinalysis will aid in diagnosing.

If it’s lucky enough to bring your horseback, the treatment includes extreme care and neostigmine drug.

The most effective prevention should be done from the stable. Pay attention as much as you can to the horse’s meals. Keep your horse away from the tomato vine if you happen to grow one in the area.

Should you give the horse tomatoes?

The answer is obvious. We must not feed horses with tomatoes. Although horses can eat plenty of types of fruits and vegetables, the tomato is on the denylist.

Many cases had reported one tomato wouldn’t affect the horse severely, but we don’t encourage you to feed your horse any tomato in any case, even only a small portion.

We don’t know if the horse is suffering from any other kinds of disease that haven’t been revealed. The best way is to avoid tomatoes for your horse in the first place.

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