Can Horses Eat Broccoli? Juana Noris Guides

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Our next question, “Can Horses eat Broccoli?” will help us learn about another vegetable that horses can enjoy. In fact, horses CAN eat broccoli, but to keep your horse more healthy, you need to know the note when feeding horses broccoli.

Can Horses Eat Broccoli?

First of all, we need to know how much broccoli a horse can eat at one time and how to process broccoli for a horse. When you have answered these questions, it means that you have learned the secret to feeding horses.

Nutrition in Broccoli

Are you maybe wondering: Why is broccoli healthy for horses?

Broccoli is a rich source of vitamin C; Provides 89.2 mg or about 150% RDA per 100 g.

Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant and an immune modulator that helps fight the virus that causes the flu.

In addition, cauliflowers contain a large number of antioxidant vitamins and vitamin A.

Along with other pro-vitamins such as beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and zeaxanthin, vitamin A helps maintain the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes.

Vitamin A is required for healthy eyesight and helps prevent retinal degeneration in the elderly.


Studies have shown that cauliflower consumption during pregnancy prevents neural tube defects in infants.

In addition, it is also a good source of minerals such as calcium, manganese, iron, magnesium, selenium, zinc, and phosphorus.

At many horse farms in Japan, horses are fed broccoli weekly. When horses are pregnant, broccoli will provide calcium and help the horse maintain the best condition. Therefore, broccoli is a nutritious food source for horses.

Can Horses Eat broccoli – fresh or cooked?

It would be best if you fed fresh broccoli, do not forget to wash your broccoli carefully before feeding. In some countries, farmers may use pesticides for their broccoli. So horse farmers must wash and soak broccoli in salt water for 30 minutes or more.

After that, it is important to boil the broccoli for horses. Boiling will soften the stem and make it easier for horses to eat. The water you boiled the broccoli in can also be mixed with feeds as a soup or used as a drink.

Is Broccoli Safe for Horses?

Horses can eat broccoli, but it’s important to remember that horses shouldn’t eat large amounts of raw broccoli. When feeding horses broccoli, it’s best to boil the broccoli first to soften it and make it easier to eat. You can also mix the boiled water with the horse’s feed or give it as a drink.

In addition, these things should be kept in mind when feeding horses:

Intestinal Gas.

One of the problems that can occur when feeding horses broccoli is intestinal gas. This is because broccoli contains a lot of fiber. To prevent this, it is best to give your horse small amounts of broccoli at first and then increase the amount gradually.

Possible Allergic Reactions.

Like humans, horses can also be allergic to certain foods. If you notice that your horse is having trouble breathing or has swelling after eating broccoli, stop giving it immediately and consult your veterinarian.

Choking Hazard.

Broccoli can also be a choking hazard for horses. If your horse tries to eat too much broccoli at once, it could choke on the stem or leaves. So it’s important to give your horse small amounts of broccoli at a time and to make sure that it’s properly chewed before swallowing.


As mentioned earlier, some farmers use pesticides or chemicals on their broccoli. These can be harmful to horses if ingested. So it’s important to wash the broccoli thoroughly before feeding it to your horse. You can also soak the broccoli in salt water for 30 minutes or more to remove any residual pesticides or chemicals.


Horses can be allergic to broccoli, just like people. If your horse has trouble breathing or starts to swell up after eating broccoli, stop feeding it immediately and call your veterinarian.

Benefits of Eating Broccoli for Horses.

You really know Can Horses Eat Broccoli, What about the benefit when you have fed the horse with broccoli, it will help to:

Boosts Immune System Functioning. Broccoli is a good source of antioxidants, including vitamin C, which can help boost the immune system of your horse.

Prevents Gastric Ulcers in Horses. Some studies have shown that feeding horses broccoli may help prevent gastric ulcers from developing.

Promotes Healthy Digestion. The high fiber content of broccoli can help promote healthy digestion in horses.

Provides Important Nutrients for Horses. As we have seen, broccoli is a very rich source of important nutrients for horses, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Strong Antioxidant Properties. The antioxidants present in broccoli can help protect horses from oxidative stress.

Plenty of Vitamins and Minerals. Broccoli is a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, beta-carotene, selenium, manganese, and iron.

Provide a lot of nutrients and vitamins for pregnant mares or growing foals.

Make the coat shiny and bright.

Tips on Preparing Broccoli for Horses.

When feeding broccoli to horses, it is important to:

Wash the broccoli thoroughly to remove any dirt or pesticides.

Soak the broccoli in salt water for 30 minutes or more.

Boil the broccoli to soften the stem and make it easier for horses to eat.

The water you boiled the broccoli in can be mixed with feeds as a soup or used as a drink.

Feed fresh broccoli whenever possible.

Avoid feeding horses spoiled or moldy broccoli.

How much Broccoli should I feed my Horse?

As always, it is important to consult with a veterinarian before changing your horse’s diet.

Generally speaking, most horses will consume 1-2 cups of broccoli per day. Monitor your horse’s intake and adjust accordingly.

When feeding broccoli to horses, it is important to start with small amounts and then gradually increase the amount over time. This will help prevent intestinal gas and other problems.

Now that we know all about broccoli, feeding horses this nutritious vegetable is easy! Just remember to wash and boil the broccoli before feeding and to monitor your horse’s intake to ensure they are getting the right amount.

FAQs about Can Horses eat broccoli

Can I give my horse broccoli leaves?

You can, but it’s important to make sure that you remove any thorns from the leaves before feeding.

Is it okay to give my horse raw broccoli?

It’s not recommended to give your horse raw broccoli, as they may not be able to digest it properly. Boiling the broccoli will soften it and make it easier for them to eat.

Do ponies like broccoli?

Yes, ponies do like broccoli! In fact, it’s a great source of nutrition for them.

Why can’t horses have broccoli?

There is no reason why horses can’t have broccoli. It’s a great source of nutrition for them!

What are the benefits of feeding my horse broccoli?

Broccoli is a rich source of vitamins and minerals, which can help support your horse’s immune system and overall health.

Can horses eat broccoli and cabbage?

Yes, horses can eat cabbage and broccoli. However, it’s important to cook the cabbage before feeding it to your horse, as raw cabbage can be hard for them to digest.

Can horses eat cruciferous vegetables?

Yes, horses can eat cruciferous vegetables. However, it’s important to cook them before feeding them to your horse, as raw cruciferous vegetables can be hard for them to digest.

What is the best way to feed broccoli to my horse?

The best way to feed broccoli to your horse is to cook it before feeding. This will soften the broccoli and make it easier for your horse to digest. You can also mix the boiled water from cooking the broccoli into their feed as a soup or drink.

How much broccoli should I give my horse?

Most horses will consume 1-2 cups of broccoli per day. Monitor your horse’s intake and adjust accordingly. As always, consult with a veterinarian before changing your horse’s diet.

How can you feed horses broccoli?

First, check whether your horse is allergic to broccoli or not. Then, to testify, you can mix vegetables with common grains or feed them separately.

You can use a small amount of broccoli to detect the reaction. Horses need some time to get used to this plant.

It would be best if you cut the broccoli into small pieces so the horses can chew. In case your horse has a dental problem, consider blending broccoli with water or juices.

If you are using the boiled water from cooking the broccoli, mix it with the feed as a soup or drink. You can also freeze it in cubes and offer them as a treat.

You can also plant this green vegetable in your garden for your horses. It is important to note that when planted, broccoli takes about 120 days to produce edible shoots.


Finally, you can answer the question, “Can Horses eat broccoli,” right? If you want to take care of your horses well, make sure they are in good condition.

Don’t forget to follow our articles to find more healthy tips for your horse, and you can take care of him in a better way.

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