Amazing Rose Grey Horse, What To Discover?

Gray horses wear the most delightful coat in grey. It’s not only a signal of beauty or charm but also a fascinating genetic gift.

Rose grey horses

Through the years, grey horses have brought excitement to their color.  And one of the most amazing is rose grey horses. What have people discovered from this shade of gray?

The Gray horse

There is no breed so-called gray horse. Gray is just the coat color that we can catch in multiple horse breeds. For example, Welsh Ponies or Arabians are common breeds which are known in grey.

Fun fact:What are grey horses called?

We have 3 names, depend on the gray coat (as Wikipedia said)

  • Dapple gray: a dark-colored horse with lighter rings of graying hairs, called dapples, scattered throughout
  • Fleabitten gray: an otherwise fully white-haired horse that develops red hairs flecked throughout the coat.
  • Rose gray: a gray horse with a reddish or pinkish tinge to its coat.

gray pony horse

Image of a Rose Grey Horse


Gray is a simple characteristic of appearance, however, there are interesting facts about grey horses:

Firstly, gray is the gene, that means a gray horse must have either a grey mother or a grey father. Based on that, we can tell if a foal is grey or not.

Secondly, grey horses can give birth of foals in any color. The born color will grey out in years until the horses are fully grown. As a result, we can barely ensure if a horse is grey or not in the early years without knowing horse parents.

Here is the best part:

What about the Rose Grey Horse?

Color transformation

As mentioned above, a grey foal can appear in any shades. Common colors are black, chestnut or bay. However, those colors will fade away and these horses turn into grey gradually.

In many years, the greying process brings different looks such as dapple, salt, and pepper, white or flea-bitten. All of the gorgeous colors bring grey horses the star of the kind.

You might be wondering:

How do colts turn into rose grey horses at his young age?

Rose grey horse

Rose grey color from a Horse is a result of chestnut or bay offspring. Day by day when those foals grow up, original shades (I mean chestnut or light pink that they were born with) get changed little by little. We can see the change starting at the tail or mane until one day when we see them in one of the most delightful shades of grey: Rose.

Rose grey horses are supposed to wear this look in several years. But when they come to the mature age, the coat is totally light grey.

What’s the bottom line?

Rose grey horses will reach that look at 2 or 3 years old after recovering from the born color. Color transformation could take them 2 to 3 years more. However, time flies then they will end up wearing grey as its true genetic color

Has it disappointed you yet?

This beautiful color cannot stay with the horse forever. We will see it disappear day by day.

But, same happens with any shade that other grey horses must go through. It’s like coming through puberty.

That’s why grey horses possess stunning color transformation that none of the horse lovers can wait to see.

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